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Best Law Lawyer
Government & privates are accountable under the rule of law
Lucky are people who are born in countries where there is the rule of law. Unlucky are those who are born in the country where no rule of law and every person is is allowed to break the laws. The law is for all and for every person’s betterment and welfare but some people – especially those who are born in poor countries – fail to comprehend the importance of the rule of law.
It is not that the countries are poor, so they do not enforce the rule of law. As they do not enforce the rule of law, this is why they are poor countries. Nations who have been valuing the rule of law are now in the list of advanced nations and conversely, those nations that have been violating the rule of law are now in the list of backward and corrupt countries of the word.
Governments are also bound by the law and liable for their actions if they are against the existing laws of the country. The same is the case when talking about private firms, institutions, departments, and organizations. Even in backward countries, big cities are more advanced than in small cities. Do you know why? In big cities, there is the rule of law and in small cities; there is no rule of law.
In the absence of the rule of law, the law of jungle takes place and no nation can advance in the law of the jungle without any doubt and confusion. The countries where there is no rule of law, government departments are found to be very corruption with bribery open to abuse. In the law of jungle, honest people are always in trouble because they want to get their job done legally but they are asked to give bribery even for the legal pieces of work.